Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 8 - Bit banging array code, question for Joe

We were able to run the code Dr. McColgan posted previously in the blog, and understand what most of it means, and we added an array to the code.

/* Input is on pin 3.  The program reads 8 bits of data sequentially and stores them as an 8 bit value.
The process of storage is shown using the LEDs.  Each bit is shifted to the left.  This is a program to
understand the bit-bang process and how the Maxim Integrated 11205 ADC works.*/

/* Include Files */
#include "xparameters.h"
#include "xgpio.h"
#include "xstatus.h"
#include "xil_printf.h"
#include "time.h"

/* Definitions */
#define GPIO_DEVICE_ID  XPAR_AXI_GPIO_0_DEVICE_ID /* GPIO device that LEDs are connected to */
#define LED 0xFC          /* Initial LED value - XX0000XX */
#define PMOD 0xFC         /* Initial LED value - XX0000XX */
#define LED_DELAY 100000000       /* Software delay length */
#define LED_CHANNEL 1        /* GPIO port for LEDs */
#define PMOD_CHANNEL 1        /* GPIO port for PMODs */
#define printf xil_printf       /* smaller, optimised printf */
#define ABOUT_ONE_SECOND 74067512      //!< approx 1 second delay when used as argument with function delay(numberCyclesToDelay)
// Update this if uBlaze/Zynq CPU core frequency is changed, or if the external memory timing changes.
// Although emprirically tested to 1.0000003 seconds, it is not meant to be used for precise timing purposes

/* Definitions */
#define CLOCK_on 0x08    //high for the clock
#define DATAREADY_high 0x04   //high for data ready pin 3

XGpio Gpio, GpioP;           /* GPIO Device driver instance */

int LEDOutputExample(void)

 volatile int Delay;
 int Status;
 int led = LED; /* Hold current LED value. Initialise to LED definition */
 int pmod = PMOD;
 int WritetoLEDs;
 int i;
 u32 x;
 u8 uchPortWriteData=0;
 u8 uchPortReadData=0;
 int adcValue=0;
 int storedValues[]={};

  /* GPIO driver initialisation */
  Status = XGpio_Initialize(&Gpio, GPIO_DEVICE_ID);
  if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
   return XST_FAILURE;
  Status = XGpio_Initialize(&GpioP, PMOD_JA1_DEVICE_ID);
   if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
    return XST_FAILURE;

  /*Set the direction for the LEDs to output. */
  XGpio_SetDataDirection(&Gpio, LED_CHANNEL, 0x00);

  /*Set the direction for the PMod - pin 3 is an input, rest are outputs. */
    XGpio_SetDataDirection(&GpioP, PMOD_CHANNEL, 0x04);

    WritetoLEDs =0x01;
    for(i =1;i<8;i++){
        XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&Gpio, LED_CHANNEL, WritetoLEDs);

  //  printf("Ready to receive.\n \r");
    XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&Gpio, LED_CHANNEL, 0xFF);
    XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&Gpio, LED_CHANNEL, 0x00);
        // Send clock high
        uchPortWriteData |= CLOCK_on;
        XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&GpioP, 1, uchPortWriteData);

        delay(10);  // small delay, then read
        uchPortReadData = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&GpioP,1);
        // Shift the GPIO read data to the lowest bit, mask off all the other bits, then shift i (15:0)
        // number of bits to set the appropriate bit in the
        if(((uchPortReadData >> 2) & 0x01)==0x01) // the serial bit is a one, set the bit
                adcValue = 0xFFFF8000;  // extend the sign of the 2s complement number to bits 31..16, and set bit 15 = 1
                adcValue |= (int)(1 << i);  // bit shift
        uchPortWriteData &= ~CLOCK_on;// Clock in data via negative edge
        XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&GpioP, 1, uchPortWriteData);
        XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&Gpio, LED_CHANNEL, adcValue);

        printf("The Value  %d \n \r", adcValue);

        //storedValues[i]= adcValue;

We did some research on the MAX11205 peripheral and found there are ten smaller pins in the middle of the chip, but couldn't find much information about it online, so we emailed Joe the following question:
We are now ready to connect the MAX11205 peripheral to the Zedboard. We are planning on connecting the function generator to the peripheral but we are having issues understanding the pin out diagrams on the datasheet. Why is the data sheet showing 10 pins? Is it possible that the diagram is for the little black chip on the peripheral? If so, how can we connect this chip to the function generator?

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