We have the linaro GUI downloaded on the SD Card and it is working with the ZedBoard.
To run Ubuntu on the ZedBoard make sure of the following:
-SD card is in the board
-MIO4 and MIO5 are HIGH (all other MIO's are LOW)
-JP2 and JP6 are shorted
-all other jumpers are untouched
-Monitor connected via HDMI port
Turn on the ZedBoard and connect to the GTKTerm terminal
-115200 baud rate, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control
-Port name is usually dev/ttyACM0 or dev/ttyACM1
-After a few seconds, the blue LED should turn on and the connection process will begin
Once connected to the terminal, you should see
Run the command: run sdboot_linaro
Give the board a few minutes to load the GUI
The link below is the svenblog link with the detailed instructions on getting Linaro on the SD card.