Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ubuntu with Linaro GUI Working

We have the linaro GUI downloaded on the SD Card and it is working with the ZedBoard.

To run Ubuntu on the ZedBoard make sure of the following:
-SD card is in the board
-MIO4 and MIO5 are HIGH (all other MIO's are LOW)
-JP2 and JP6 are shorted
-all other jumpers are untouched
-Monitor connected via HDMI port

Turn on the ZedBoard and connect to the GTKTerm terminal
-115200 baud rate, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control
-Port name is usually dev/ttyACM0 or dev/ttyACM1
 -After a few seconds, the blue LED should turn on and the connection process will begin
Once connected to the terminal, you should see

Run the command: run sdboot_linaro

Give the board a few minutes to load the GUI

The link below is the svenblog link with the detailed instructions on getting Linaro on the SD card.